How to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

As a homeowner, you may be wondering how to make your home more eco-friendly inside and out. In today’s world, eco-friendly alternatives are often preferred by consumers, ranging from what we drive, to what we eat and drink, and how or where we live.
For many of us, a lot of these choices are now second-nature, like separating recyclables or serving meatless Monday meals. If you’re ready to include more eco-friendly habits at home, while also benefiting our health and wallets, here are a few ideas you can implement today.
These actions will help make an impact not just for you and your family, but for our future generations, too.
Switch out your light bulbs
Energy efficient light bulbs have been around for years, but have become increasingly popular recently with homeowners trying to save a few bucks every month on their electric bill. Not only do these bulbs use less electricity, but they also don’t need to be replaced as often as regular light bulbs do. It’s a win for your electricity bill and a win for the landfill.
Skip the dryer
Depending on how much outdoor space you have, line-drying your clothing can be an excellent option if you’re looking for a more energy-efficient solution to laundry day. Plus, your clothing will last much longer if you hang it to try, versus throwing it in the hot, harsh dryer. Drying outdoors will give you the freshest results, but you can also invest in an inexpensive and foldable drying rack. Just open a window to let in some fresh air. So easy and sustainable!
Decorate with plants
If you didn’t already know, many potted plants help clean the air in your home. They also make your home very welcoming, which makes the care and maintenance well worth it.
Recycle and reuse
Take a moment to think about all of the items currently in your home that you have used once and thrown away. Whatever those items may be, there is a great chance that those items can somehow be repurposed or reused.
Have an old chair you need to get rid of? Instead of taking it to the dump, consider turning it into a DIY project or gifting it to someone who will be eager to take on the challenge. How about plastic bags from the grocery store? Reuse them on future trips or find another purpose, such as lining a small trash bag. Or, consider investing in reusable bags made of fabric or insulated materials.
For day to day items, like Ziploc bags or plastic straws, consider replacing single-use items with reusable items like glass storage containers or stainless steel straws.
Install smart appliances
Smart appliance can change your life and seriously affect your bank account. Now, your thermostat can talk to your air conditioner and heating, automatically adjusting based on the time of day or night to keep costs down. Smart sensors that turn on/off lights, your television, and other household items can ensure they are only on when you’re in the room and need to use them. These are just a few ways you can keep your electricity bills down and environmentally friendly.
Invest in solar panels
Solar panels are becoming more and more affordable and are usually the first thing homeowners invest in when wanting to make their home more eco-friendly. Although the initial price may seem steep, the investment is well-worth it because you typically end up saving more money than you spend on the initial installment. At a certain point, your electricity bills may be nearly $0, or your electrical company may even pay you for excess electricity generated.
Use eco-cleaning products
There are tons of mainstream cleaning products that contain ingredients proven to be very harmful to the environment. Some of these chemicals are ones used to clean our clothes, dishes, and even bodies. These products are flushed down drains and end up damaging the planet.
If you’re looking for products that are eco-friendly, be sure to opt for ones that contain no synthetic ingredients, which do not deplete the ecosystem and cause no harm whenever expelled back out during their use.
Thrift or buy recycled furniture
Not only will you save money by buying thrifted or refurbished furniture, you will also be saving those items from landfills. Even if you prefer to buy new, you can look for furniture that is made from recycled wood or eco-friendly materials, like bamboo. By buying second-hand or eco-forward, you be getting your hands on some unique pieces that are thoughtfully-made and still brand-new to you. Consider attending auctions or estate sales, which can increase your chances of finding great, luxury pieces that fit your home’s style.
Sources: Architectural Digest, Elemental Green, Greenmatch,