Whether you're buying or selling, you're bound to be moving. Many people dread moving, but don't let it get the best of you. Instead, follow these simple steps to have a seamless, stress-free move.
Preparing is the best thing you can do to set yourself up for moving success. Prior to your move, set up your postal mail forwarding, start utility service at your new location, and stop service at your current location. Head to the store and gather all your moving supplies. This should include boxes, markers, tape, labels, sandwich bags, plastic wrap, and any other packing equipment you might need. Well in advance of relocating, consider how you will conduct the move. Will you be doing it all yourself or hiring a moving company? Don't forget to reserve a truck if needed.
When you're ready to start packing, be sure to pack smart. Start by filling up an overnight bag that includes all the essentials you'll want as soon as you arrive at your new place. This might include your laptop and toiletries. Place all items you'll need first in a box or container you can easily identify from the rest. A clear or colored plastic bin works well. Next, move on to packing up the rest of your goods. Check out our packing overview to learn how to pack for your move like a pro.
As you're packing, don't forget to label. Knowing what is in each box can save you lots of time in your new space. You can label using tape and a marker, or a label maker. On each label, include a description of the contents, which room of the house it's all for, whether the box contains anything breakable, and an estimate of the weight (light, medium, heavy).
While actually moving into your new space, put each clearly labeled box in its corresponding room. Once you've unloaded, start by cleaning. Dust, vacuum, sweep, and wipe down surfaces before you begin unpacking. As you unload, start with the most critical rooms first and take time to organize your belongings.
Now that you're in your new home, relax and enjoy! Visit the Homeowner Resources section of our blog for inspiration on DIY projects you can begin in your new space.