This 4.5 Acre Parcel has San Bernardino Mountain Views and may be purchased with adjoining 5.0 Acre Parcel or purchased separately. Total available 9.5 Acres of beautiful rural land. This land is located not far from paved Escondido Road. This unimproved land maintains its original natural beauty condition. It is rural & yet a few miles away from nearby tract housing developments and private ranch style homes. Be in the "country" but not far from the "city" and its path of progress. Nearby are large vacant land properties and power poles. Buy now, build later or just enjoy the natural beauty of this land and the "off-road" and "off-grid" opportunities. Nearby is the meandering Highway 38 to Silverwood Lake/Crestline/Lake Arrowhead/Big Bear areas.
No schools were found in the area
Total population of , which has changed by % since 1990.
The median age of the population is , while the median
age of dwellings is .
Out of households, are families.
Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Population