My client is a screenwriter and always insists upon composing his own remarks, as he's done so here as well:
First off, watch the gorgeous, 33-second panoramic virtual tour. Second, with an elevation approaching 4,300 feet, it's roughly 10 degrees cooler than the valley floor during the summer --makes a HUGE difference. Third, both parcels (APNs 3062-002-052 & 053) are included in the list price, but can be purchased separately, with 052 (the north parcel) @ $45,000, and 053 (the south parcel) @ $55,000, boasting the higher views. Yes, it's ALL about the views, and what we have here are two of the most awe-inspiring, tranquil view parcels (660' x 1320') in L.A. County, which is surely the primary reason this spectacular off-grid pair with egress and hard dirt once sold for roughly $100,000 in September 2008. Power is roughly 8/10ths of a mile away at Largo Vista Rd, which is a gateway. to Big Pines HWY, Jackson Lake, Wrightwood, and the Mountain High (ski) Resort in the San Gabriel Mountain Range, which also offers horseback riding and hiking. Further, just a few miles west is the Crystalaire Country Club with its 18-hole golf course, Olympic-sized pool, and tennis courts. Many of the surrounding lots and homes have addresses, mail, and landlines. Speaking of landlines, the last pole is roughly 1320 feet away at prettry-0-Ranch Rd (a dirt road surely not with that name for nothing), off paved Largo Vista Rd. Ya gotta see this place with your own eyes--it's beautiful. Why not shoot for a place of utter serenity and solitude, where you can gaze upon the awesome panaramas, taking in the stars and all the lights of the valley floor? Yes, when one begins to add up all the spiritual beauty that comes with living out here over the many long years, one quickly realizes its chomp change compared to what one is getting, which is living with the Monstrous, Majestic Mountains. Gods, Ones that are eternally painting indelible blue Skys of all shades, and fiery sunsets of every color imaginable in the spectrum, gazing down above the juniper-tree-studded ridges steadily flooding with the evening shade (filling the canvas with even more colors) and rolling thunderheads of light to dark purples amongst spotty pink clouds and sunlit rainstorms -- dual troposphere's of infinite wonder that can only be created by something not of our primal comprehension, regardless of all the scientific and religious explanations in the vast universe.
No schools were found in the area
Total population of , which has changed by % since 1990.
The median age of the population is , while the median
age of dwellings is .
Out of households, are families.
Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Population