In Multi Million Dollar area, Excellent development project with great profit potential. BeautifulOceanViewwithFlatpadfacingtheocean,closetoPCHandKanan,nexttoMultiMillion$Homes.Allreportsareavailable but expired. plans availableforapx5000 Sqft estate with lots of view and super amazing modern design, with great ocean view and canyon views.Easyaccesstoshoppingandrestaurant.Facingtheoceanwithallutilitieson the site.Easy accessto PCH, 101Freewayandallmajorareas.NexttotheMediterraneanhomeat6130Galahad. Call to see
No schools were found in the area
Total population of , which has changed by % since 1990.
The median age of the population is , while the median
age of dwellings is .
Out of households, are families.
Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Population